Lab tech working behind the sash of a fume hood
What to Look for in a Laboratory Fume Hood Manufacturer
December 29, 2021
When selecting the right fume hood manufacturer for your lab, there are many criteria to consider, from safety standards, to size, to construction materials.
Lab tech holds a cannabis-adorned test tube.
Commercial Cannabis Lab Equipment Checklist
December 22, 2021
Whether you’re involved with cannabis growing, extraction, distillation, or testing, iQ Labs is your one-stop shop for cannabis lab equipment and fume hoods.
Laboratory worker holds a pipette under a fume hood.
Can You Store Chemicals in a Fume Hood?
December 21, 2021
Should chemicals be stored in a fume hood? No. Chemicals require specific storage containers to prevent hazardous incidents. Learn about proper fume hood usage.
two workstations in a laboratory
How to Decommission, Dispose Of, & Replace Old Fume Hoods
September 8, 2021
Learn how to properly decommission and dispose of an old or obsolete fume hood, and what to consider when replacing it.